Sunday, September 22, 2013

High School: The Realm of Countless Judgments

As negative as the title sounds it is unfortunately true. High School is the period of our lives where we show our true characters for the first time in which makes every individual unique but unfortunately we are judged for it. We are in a time where we live in a bigger community which consist of different genders, countries of origin, cultures, sexual orientations, religions, beliefs, intelligence, experiences and the list goes on almost endlessly. With these differences within one society, it seems that being judged is inevitable. It is the idea of judgement that creates conflicts within our character. Bullying, Depression, Status, Sensitivity, Unstable Emotions, Trust issues, and so on are lists of common factors of judgments in a typical high school. Judgement is simply the root of all character conflicts within a high school. But I strongly believe that it isn't inevitable, the whole concept of judgement can be removed from the picture. Unfortunately the magnitude of this issue is just not emphasized enough for the audience to understand the whole picture (especially for those who judge teenagers by their behavior and character also to make things worse by making the typical excuses such as 'the rushing hormones of a teen'). In my view, the judgement issues that lies in high school is no different to the outer world, its just that the scope is much larger. Thieves, gangs, terrorists, criminals or even ordinary citizens who like to emphasize their character (hippies, gays, transgenders etc.) are similarly molded by judgments. This is why we must remove 'judgement' from the picture from a young age (as in high school) because we grow to become these kinds of people. If we had respected each others characteristics and complimented them instead of judging them, I believe that it would be a step in making the world a better place to live in. 

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