Sunday, April 20, 2014

Why Education Reform?

One can say I come from an interestingly diverse background. I'm born in Korea, living in Egypt and studying in India. Even before Egypt I used to live in Lancaster, England and Manila in the Philippines. People like me, who have traveled and lived in different countries, are commonly labeled as TCK (Third World Kid). We TCK's have something in common that make us think slightly differently than others. It's that, as students, we are educated in so many different schools from different countries with various unique education systems; learning, understanding, interpreting and experiencing differently.
I was educated in the Philippines where there were no standards of any sort; no tests, quizzes but rather conversations. We talked about what we learnt, we questioned and receive insight from others (Grading was based upon the participation throughout the week in accordance with the relative topic). In England I was educated in the British System which is closely correlated to the American Education system but in the particular school I was enrolled in, we had classes such as general knowledge class, dance class, public speaking class which are not general classes in the common education system. In Egypt school ended early and we were to participate in real life experience part time jobs of your passionate choice (experience was the primary purpose of this enrichment). And last but not least, Woodstock School in India which have enrichment programs that go on throughout the week (similar to the 'part time job' idea). But several questions came up to my mind every time I studied through different education systems. Why are there standard education systems (relative to the widely used American Education System) designed to make students better fit for what society needs/demands? If individuality, freedom of choice and expression is so promoted and encouraged why are students not given the option to learn what they are passionate about in school? Why are subjects like the arts avoided by students in fear of being 'unsuccessful'. Why are students only limited to certain subjects and why are they the only subjects accepted in society? 
With these questions in mind, I came to the conclusion that the current education system is outdated and unfit for the society. 

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