Life online
As you click your own profile and scroll down a few pages, you
can't help but facepalm yourself and wail wwhhhhyyy. I've been using facebook
for about seven years now and the stupid things I've done just stacks year
after another. Honestly though, I feel that they were all great memories.
Memories in which I wouldn't want to forget, ever. The friends, pictures,
posts, status's, links, chats, likes they were all pieces of whom I really was.
Although, that would only apply to myself. Only I would know who I am best and
only I would understand how my profile was constructed. Facebook doesn't define
who I really am but, it plays the avatar of myself. Agreeably, people can
assume the person I am by the construction of my profile but that wouldn’t
define me as a person. I believe human characteristics cannot be computed in
any way because human behavior and mind is far more complex than the cyber
world can portray. That is what separates us from the cyber world and reality. Another
reason why my FB profile wouldn’t satisfy my true identity is that people have
different ways of viewing things, in this case facebook profiles. My parents
would view my profile completely differently from those of my close friends. For
example my parents would not be able to understand some of the things I like as
such as online jokes whereas my friends would and vice versa. I feel that the
social networks should push toward never allowing people to put their full
identity of themselves on social websites. Simply because it is dangerous. It
will make you vulnerable to the infinite network of the cyber world. The cyber
world is growing big and fast dangerously and we must be aware of this when we
create our profiles. Facebook profiles may include parts of our identity but we
must be aware of the fact that profiles are only profiles… avatars… masks
nothing more…